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Selling projects on the map in Jeddah Construction and Real Estate

05 Mar 2019| Posted by Morris | In Construction and Real Estate

Minister of Housing Majid Al-Haqail, the second exhibition and exhibition of sales projects will be held on the map of Wafiq, 2019, organized by the sales and leasing program on the map "Wafi" during the period 9-11 March at the Hilton Hotel in Jeddah, in the presence of a number of real estate stakeholders in the Kingdom and abroad, And the presence of the UAE as a guest of honor. The aim of the forum and exhibition is to introduce the sales system on the map and its current and future projects, attract local and international expertise in the field of sales on the map, benefit from their experiences and gather the relevant parties in the sales activity on the map, and provide space for acquaintance and exchange of experiences. Selling on the map, and defining the role of the Ministry of Housing in providing suitable housing for citizens at a lower cost and higher quality Initiatives. The second focuses on the management of real estate development in traditional and modern models; the third focuses on the engineering design and its role in serving the sales projects on the map; While the fourth and final axis discusses the role of media and advertising in the sales projects on the map.

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