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Saudi Elijah 2019 envisages the future of renewable energy Power and Energy

27 Apr 2019| Posted by Morris | In Power and Energy

Preparations for the hosting of Saudi Arabia, 2019 The 22nd International Exhibition on Electricity, Renewable Energy, Lighting, Water Technology and Power Generation, organized by Riyadh Exhibitions Company, was held on April 29 and May 1, 2019 in conjunction with the Saudi Forum for Sustainable Energy and Technology and supported by SABIC And King Abdullah University of Science and Technology as a research partner. The event, which will be hosted by the Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Center, will focus on highlighting the promising opportunities in the Kingdom in light of the national trend towards ambitious projects within the renewable and clean energy sector, while the Saudi government is investing $ 109 billion to produce 41 gigawatts of solar energy, as part of a comprehensive plan to produce 54 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2032. The Saudi Forum for Energy Sustainable and technology «, which will be held on 30 April May 1 in conjunction with the coming year» Saudi Unix, «2019 current regulatory policies and laws related to renewable energy projects and electricity generation, and the challenges facing localizing solar technologies and wind industry locally.

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