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Legislative Board Approves Bill to Install Industrial Park Technology and Equipment

07 Apr 2019| Posted by Morris | In Technology and Equipment

Câmara approves bill to install Industrial Park in Londrina. Text provides protection zone of the Jacutinga basin Municipal Council of Londrina unanimously approved on Thursday (4) the bill that creates a special zone in the basin of Ribeirão Jacutinga. The matter, on the initiative of the Executive, amends the law on land use and occupation to allow the installation of the Industrial Park, a Marcelo Belinati management project for the northern part of the city.

In the area will be implanted a model of allotment in closed condominium system. For this, it was necessary to move the legislation. This is because the place is close to the source of water supply of Cambé. However, it was stipulated that the zone classified as ZI-4 (Zona Industrial-4) could only receive activities from dry industries, that is, only factories that do not emit liquid effluents.

The issue was already discussed at a public hearing in November last year in the Chamber and did not suffer resistance in the Legislature. "The project is compatible with the macro zoning that we are proposing in the Master Plan, and we are creating a special zone for the protection of the basin," said Ippul (Institute for Research and Urban Planning), Roberto Alves de Lima.

In July last year, the City Hall of Londrina and the government of Paraná signed an agreement that allowed the municipality to borrow R $ 25 million from the state to build the industrial condominium. This financing was approved by the House in a bill approved in November. The installation of the industrial park, on the banks of Saul Elkind Avenue, is an old project. In the management Alexandre Kireeff (2013-2016), began to gain body with name of Cilon.


According to the president of Codel (Development Institute of Londrina), Bruno Ubiratan, the complementary projects have already been sent to Paraná Cidades and will be analyzed in the next 60 days to release the funds. After that the announcements will be opened to execute the infrastructure. There is no set date, but according to it should stay for the second half. "I've talked to technicians and engineers and the works can take eight to nine months." The intention is to market the lots by 2020.

For the leader of Belinati in the Chamber, councilor Jairo Tamura (PR), the industrial park is fundamental to the development of the city. "This project respects respect for the environment and will take an important step to bring more companies to Londrina. The space is strategic because it is on the banks of the main highways. "There are 170 internal lots and 40 other external lots, available in the same place, with areas ranging from 2 thousand to 6 thousand square meters each.

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