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Gaza Strip Needs Permanent Operating Projects Materials and Products

25 Mar 2019| Posted by Morris | In Materials and Products

Palestinian Minister, Ahmed Harzallah, told Al-Sharq that pumping such a large amount in a relatively short period of time in the areas of operation and relief caused an economic improvement in the Gazan street, especially that the grants included direct assistance to poor families, which had a positive impact on the Gazan market The recession in the sector. "Since the launch of the recent Qatari grant, the economic situation has improved relatively, and we have monitored good purchasing activity, which is an improvement in the mood of the public. He stressed that the Gaza Strip needs permanent employment projects in the form of productive economic institutions, especially in the sector of industry, agriculture and construction, where these sectors absorb large numbers of labor and also produce a large material return, stressing that such projects do not constitute a radical solution, But would revive the sector economically and there is no alternative to ending the sanctions imposed on the sector and lifting the siege. Operating thousands of unemployed During its recent relief efforts, Qatar has focused on launching employment projects to combat rampant unemployment, which exceeded 73% among Palestinian graduates with 380,000 unemployed and 220,000 Palestinian graduates without jobs. In addition to the relief projects, Qatar has launched several other projects. Recently, Ambassador Mohammed Al Emadi, Chairman of the Qatar National Reconstruction Committee, signed contracts for the construction of three new projects in the Gaza Strip.

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