Completing the Electrical Wiring and the SCADA System to Create a Control and Monitoring... Tender

DAMIETTA PORT AUTHORITY has floated a tender for Completing the Electrical Wiring and the SCADA System to Create a Control and Monitoring System (ESCADA). The project location is Egypt and the tender is closing on 12 Oct 2020. The tender notice number is 22(2020/2021), while the TOT Ref Number is 45746336. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Egypt

Summary : Completing the Electrical Wiring and the SCADA System to Create a Control and Monitoring System (ESCADA)

Deadline : 12 Oct 2020

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 45746336

Document Ref. No. : 22(2020/2021)

Competition : NCB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : -

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Tel: +20-57/2290005 - 057/2290006 Fax: +20-572290930

Tender Details

Tenders are invited for CompletingCompleting the Electrical Wiring and the SCADA System to Create a Control and Monitoring System (ESCADA) for the Main Water Traps at the Port.

Open Date: 2020-09-13

Close Date: 2020-10-12 12:00

Accept Partition: No

Alternative Offers: No

Qualification System: Pass/Fail

RFP Price(large scale Companies): 500

Primary Insurance: 125000

RFP Price(small and very small scale Companies): 500

Activities: General construction

[Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.]


 Tender Notice