GENESIS ENERGY LTD has floated a tender for RFP for Tekapo A Turbine Overhaul. The project location is New Zealand and the tender is closing on 22 May 2019. The tender notice number is GE-CT19-010, while the TOT Ref Number is 32687887. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : New Zealand

Summary : RFP for Tekapo A Turbine Overhaul

Deadline : 22 May 2019

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 32687887

Document Ref. No. : GE-CT19-010

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : -

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Mike Bishop
+64 7 982 7938
New Zealand

Tender Details

Genesis requires an appropriately experienced provider or providers to complete an overhaul of the Tekapo A Kaplan turbine and ancillary equipment, including installation of design modifications.

Given the length of service required from the turbine after the overhaul, Genesis requires Respondents that can demonstrate proven capability in hydro mechanical design and / or service provision.


 Tender Notice