UUDENKAUPUNGIN KAUPUNKI has floated a tender for Contract notice: Taxi services. The project location is Finland and the tender is closing on 15 Apr 2019. The tender notice number is 110495-2019, while the TOT Ref Number is 31389500. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Finland

Summary : Contract notice: Taxi services

Deadline : 15 Apr 2019

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 31389500

Document Ref. No. : 110495-2019

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : -

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Office Name: Uudenkaupungin kaupunki
Address: Välskärintie 2 C
Town: Uusikaupunki
Postal Code: 23500
Contact Point: Henna Honkanen

Phone: +358 2845151
Fax: +358 284515312
Email :henna.honkanen@uusikaupunki.fi
URL :http://www.uusikaupunki.fi

Tender Details

Object of the contract
Taxi services

Description: Contract notice: Taxi services

Authority Type: Regional or local authority
Contact Nature: Services
Procedure: Open procedure
Document: Contract notice
Regulation: European Union, with participation by GPA countries
Award criteria: Lowest price
CPV code: 60120000, 60120000, 60120000
CPV Description:

Transport Services under the Disability Services Act (VPL 1987/380)

Social Services of the City of Uusikaupunki, the City of Laitila and the Municipality of Pyhaerana invites the tenderer to provide transport services for persons with disabilities in accordance with the Disability Act (Act on Disability and Organizing Services and Support Activities 1987/380) in accordance with the Tender Offer Call and its appendices. Transportation to Kostaxi service (taxi cab taxi card) transport service for persons paying for their journeys, billing.

Transport volumes and customer maintenances in 2018 were:

- trips under the Disability Services Act were made for a total of about 10, 873 trips / year

- journeys according to the Disability Service Act, where pyro gear is required

For Uudenkaupunki, VPL shipments are allowed to Laitila, Vehmaa, Taivassalo, Kustavi, and Pyhaeranta. The Purchaser Liability Act applies (the Act on the Obligation of the Subscriber and the Third Party Liability)labor force in subterfuge 1233/2006). The Service Provider shall provide the Subscriber with certificates and explanations in accordance with the Subscriber Liability Act before signing the contract. The Tenderer may indicate the retention of obligations under the Liability Act by means of a report from the Tilaajavastuu.fi website.

The offer must have a taxi valid during the offer's sharing timethe license or tenderer provides a reliable explanation that it will not be authorized prior to the conclusion of the contract. The offer can be made by myoes, where all participants must have a valid taxi license. A taxi driver is required to have a driving ability and personal suitability. The taxi license holder is responsible for ensuring that the driver has a taxi driver's license, and let the driver have the necessary skills and knowledge. A taxi driver is required to carry out a traffic safety agency and a test drive test.

The Offeror undertakes to provide customer service in order to respect the Finnish language. Traffic knitter and driver whose language is not Finnish, undertakes to provide a certificate of proficiency in the Finnish languageskill level Hyvae skill or general language proficiency diploma at skill level 4-5. The taximeter must retrieve the requirements of Directive 2004/22 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on measuring instruments (Measuring Instruments Directive) and be equipped with a CE marking.
Internet address (URL): http://www.uusikaupunki.fi


 Tender Notice