PODKARPACKA INSTYTUCJA GOSPODARKI BUD?ETOWEJ CARPATIA W RZESZOWIE has floated a tender for Contract notice: Fuels. The project location is Poland and the tender is closing on 27 Nov 2018. The tender notice number is 461728-2018, while the TOT Ref Number is 27825298. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Poland

Summary : Contract notice: Fuels

Deadline : 27 Nov 2018

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 27825298

Document Ref. No. : 461728-2018

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : -

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Office Name: Podkarpacka Instytucja Gospodarki Bud?etowej Carpatia w Rzeszowie
Address: ul. hr. W. Tarnowskiej 4
Town: Rzeszów
Postal Code: 35-322

Phone: +48 178580821
Fax: +48 178507864
Email :zp@igbcarpatia.pl
URL :http://www.igbcarpatia.pl

Tender Details

Object of the contract

Description: Contract notice: Fuels

Authority Type: Other
Contact Nature: Supplies
Procedure: Open procedure
Document: Contract notice
Regulation: European Union
Award criteria: The most economic tender
CPV code: 09100000, 30163100, 09100000, 30163100
CPV Description: Fuels.

Agency fuel cards.

Purchase of fuels in a non-cash system based on fuel cards throughout the country

Reference Number: 40/10/2018

The subject of the order is the purchase of liquid fuels in the network of petrol stations throughout the territory of the Republic of Poland, i.e. oil driving (normal and improved with engine cleaning additives, improving engine power and efficiency) according to PN-EN 590, Pb 95 unleaded petrol and Pb 98 according to PN-EN 228 standard, LPG gas according to PN-EN 589: 2009 according to the requirements of the current Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 28.12.2006 on quality requirements for liquefied gas and non-fuel products and services available at service stations (eg: engine oils, service fluids, car service and accessories, washing and-vacuuming of cars, charges for motorways, parking fees, etc., and all other new services and products that the Contractor will have in the course of the contract in its offer) based on electronic fuel cards.

Main Site: Poland

Fuel purchase:

1) 15 000, 000 liters of diesel,

2) 1, 000, 000 liters of refined diesel,

3) 5, 000, 000 liters of unleaded petrolPb 95,

4) 1, 000, 000 liters of unleaded petrol Pb 98,

5) 300, 000.00 dcm LPG,

and non-fuel products and services available at service stations (eg: engine oils, service fluids, services and car accessories) washing and vacuuming of cars, charges for motorways, parking fees, etc., and all other new services and products that during the contract will be performed by the Contractorhe sat in his offer) based on electronic fuel cards. Under the name of electronic fuel cards, the Ordering Party also understands microprocessing cards. A) Competences or entitlements to conduct a specific professional activity, if it results from separate regulations have a valid license for trading in liquid fuels issued on the basis of the Act of 10.4.1997. Energy Law(Journal of Laws of 2018, item 755);

In this regard, the Employer requires that Contractors show that: - They have financial resources or creditworthiness in the amount of at least PLN 20, 000, 000.00 (twenty million zlotys), They are insured against civil liability in respect of their activities related to the subject of the order in the amount of at least PLN 8, 000, 000.00 (eight million zlotys).

1.-The conditions for participation in the proceedings and the grounds for exclusion from the proceedings are set out in point IV of the ToR.

2. A list of statements or documents confirming fulfillment of the conditions for participation in the proceedings and no grounds for exclusion can be found in section VI of the ToR.

3. The Contractor is bound by the offer for a period of 60 days from the deadline for submission of tenders. Each submitted offer should be securedcapped security in the amount of PLN 1, 000, 000 (in words: one million zlotys).

5. The ordering party will apply the so-called "Reverse Procedure" referred to in Article 24aa (1) of the Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1579, as amended). The Contracting Authority informs that pursuant to Article 24aa act will first evaluate the offers, and then examine whether the Contractor, whose offerrta will be assessed as the most advantageous, not subject to exclusion and meets the conditions for participation in the proceedings.

6. The Contracting Authority does not provide for the orders referred to in art. 67 sec. 1 point 6 and 7 of the Public Procurement Law
Internet address (URL): http://www.igbcarpatia.pl


 Tender Notice