THE REPUBLICAN STATE ENTERPRISE ON THE RIGHT OF ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT OF "ENBEK" INSTITUTIONS OF THE CRIMINAL-ExECUTIVE (PENITENTIARY) SYSTEM OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE CRIMINAL ExECUTIVE SYSTEM OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN has floated a tender for Testerial Machines with Deja for Enbek Branches, Amt: 16840000.00. The project location is Kazakhstan and the tender is closing on 05 Feb 2025. The tender notice number is 13859241-1, while the TOT Ref Number is 114164728.
Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.
Procurement Summary
Country : Kazakhstan
Summary : Testerial Machines with Deja for Enbek Branches, Amt: 16840000.00