BRIDGE AND ROOF COMPANY (INDIA) LIMITED has floated a tender for RCC M30 Grade concrete for Piling Works, Qty: 250 Cum, (BOQ Item #1). The project location is East Midnapore, West Bengal, India. The reference number is GEM/2024/B/5349578 and it is closing on 16 Sep 2024.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
BOQ Item Description: Supply and Delivery of Ready mix concrete from Client Approved Batching Plant to our Project sites a. Civil And Associated Works. b. Building Works of SubStation and Control Room. c. UG Piping Works for Olefin Conversion Unit Cumene Phenol Plant at Haldia Petrochemical Complex in Haldia West Bengal BOQ Title: Reinforcement Cement Concrete
Item Title: RCC M30 Grade concrete for Piling Works
Item Quantity: 250
Unit of Measure: Cum
Delivery Period (In number of days): 60
Start Date: 02-09-2024 1:04 PM
End Date: 16-09-2024 5:00 PM