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NBN Co. announces extension of field services delivery contract Computer Hardware and Software Services

16 Jun 2014| Posted by Morris | In Computer Hardware and Software Services

Service Stream gets two-year extension to its current field services delivery contract covering five states and territories; this is the second contract renewal for work on the national broadband network in a month.

Total revenue of $140 million is expected to be generated by Service Stream mentioned in ASX filing.

Installation of NBN connection boxes and power supply units in residences and businesses, physical cable connection from the street to the home will continue to be handled by Service Stream across Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia and the Northern Territory.

Under the new contract extension, Service Stream also likely to take up additional works in NSW, an area which was not part of the initial contract.

The field services work in NSW as well as in Queensland and the ACT has been undertaken by Silcar, under a project cost of up to $78 million.

Last month, Service Stream also gained a contract renewal from NBN Co for the continuing roll out of fibre to greenfields developments for two more years across NSW, Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory.

The contract is expected to yield $70 million whereas further revenue of $70 million if the two available one-year extensions were engaged.

Visionstream an associate NBN greenfields fibre contractor was also awarded a renewed contract in May to carry on work in Queensland and Victoria, and was assigned new work in Tasmania under a deal costing around $90 million for two-years.


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