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Methodology of 'Assnad' has developed humanitarian operations in Yemen Other Services

18 Dec 2018| Posted by Morris | In Other Services

The humanitarian impact that will result from the project of rehabilitating Al-Dhala road, which comes within the comprehensive humanitarian operations plan in Yemen and through the center of Esnad, stressing that the project will contribute to improving services on the road, which will affect the economic and social situation. Note it now Through field visits and meeting citizens, whether in Dali 'or Lahj. "We are talking about a dilapidated infrastructure of roads, the problem with the weakness of the state, war and conflict, there is a very poor maintenance process; we need multiple projects in terms of road maintenance. This was the beginning, we need different projects, and you will notice the difference among the citizens, these roads have been neglected for years, and with the increase in traffic on roads, we had a road (Taiz - Aden) and other roads. Used by tankers and trucks, amid the deterioration of his condition, and this affected the delivery of water Aid and relief materials to the main areas of Yemen.

The Yemeni Prime Minister praised the efforts of the ISNAD team in the comprehensive humanitarian operations in Yemen, which have contributed significantly to the development of comprehensive humanitarian operations in Yemen through its advanced methodology and distinguished cadres and its serious work in preparing plans and working on the ground in many Of the above Especially as they face difficult tasks during the coming year. We wish them success. "

Yemeni Prime Minister Moin Abdul Malik stressed the need to manage the funds provided by Saudi Arabia and the UAE wisely to achieve their goal, pointing out that the main challenge of the government is the ability to continue to pay salaries. This is what the Yemeni government is trying to work on. Financial support for this aspect, for its priority.

"Yemen has received substantial funding from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the latest of which is a $ 500 million supply initiative," Abdulmalik said in remarks carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) yesterday, stressing the need for coordination with international organizations working in the region. Yemen to deliver aid.

He explained that any future pledges during the year 2019 are obtained should focus on supporting the economy and pay salaries as much as possible, and this will help the budget significantly. "The challenges facing the Yemenis next year are great," he said. "We should not only think of relief aid, but also consider helping the Yemeni economy and protect it from further deterioration." It also requires guarantees that contribute to the Food aid, as well as the study of food Activities and programs related to foreign organizations, in order to be directed to the areas most needed for these programs, humanitarian relief and assistance

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