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Investment economists, geopolitical risks will be reduced by US withdrawal from Syria and Turkey Other Services

26 Dec 2018| Posted by Morris | In Other Services

The stock market started in the last quarter. We have also listed 22 companies in the last quarter sales high in the last four years. Technology, automotive, food and textiles stand out in the list, and good results from airlines, defense, retail and exporting companies are expected this year.

It is noted that eight of the 22 companies in the table are companies operating in the field of technology and technology retail. Datagate Computers, Netas Telecom, Alcatel Lucent Teletas, Indeks Computers, Logo Software, Armada Computers, Arena Computers and Despec Computers are taking part in these industries. The most important reason for the high number of technology companies is that these companies work in the order and tender procedure, the goods deliveries and tenders are made in the last quarter. The sales price received by the delivery of the goods in this period is reflected directly in the last quarter's balance sheets

Last week, the Federal Reserve (FED) raised its monetary policy rate from 2-2.25 percent to 2.25-2.50 percent. The expectation of FED members to increase interest rates for 2019, which was previously three, fell to two. US President D. Trump's decision to withdraw its troops in Syria also affected the markets.


Investment economists, geopolitical risks will be reduced by US withdrawal from Syria and Turkey think that this is good news for the markets. IS Investment, less than the expectations of the FED statement after the US, Asian and European stock exchanges in the stock market begins to attract attention. Yedi US shares face the toughest wave of sales in the last seven years, down 15 percent from the peak. If the S & P 500 falls 150 points, it will be technically down to 20 percent. In the period when the US shares enter the bear market, risk appetite is deteriorating, and there are hard sales in emerging markets. However, our expectation of a reaction on Wall Street shows that the increasing foreign share in the BIST in the last six months and the strengthening TL, which has increased in the stock market, to reach 1-2 percent, may be the opportunity to buy. Ancak

While this is the case in the markets, share selections become even more important for investors. After the completion of the third quarter balance sheets, all attention has been translated into the last quarter financials. We conducted a survey on the net sales figures of companies and determined what percentage of annual sales of companies in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 last year. In our study, which included companies with at least three years of data, we did not buy financial companies and companies with sales revenues below 100 million TL, we investigated companies with a 30 percent or more sales in the last quarter compared to the average of four years. As a result, we reached 22 companies in total.


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