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1.7 Million Euros Allocated by the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry for Four Projects in the Region of Dezana Other Services

11 Nov 2018| Posted by Morris | In Other Services

Industry allocates 1.7 million to the Conecta Peme program with three companies from Lalín and one from Dozón

The territorial delegate of the Xunta in Pontevedra, José Manuel Cores Touris, yesterday highlighted the 1.7 million euros allocated by the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry for four projects in the region of dezana. Three companies from Lalín and one from Dozón participate in this fourth edition of the Conecta Peme program, which mobilizes 2.7 million in the region. They are projects linked to experimental development.

The company Proquideza participates in the Tim-res project, focused on industrial research on chemical modifications of biomass to define new lines of development, with three other Galician firms. For its part Megodeza will collaborate in the Geo4Radón initiative, focused on the prediction and improvement of geothermal air conditioning systems and analysis of the influence of soundings on radon gas diffusion, with four other companies.

The territorial delegation of the Xunta in Pontevedra indicates that Proquideza is also part of the Innoclean project, which works with three other firms in the investigation of new solutions to reduce the impact of cleaning in different sectors. Finally, Nucamsa de Dozón will collaborate in the Purener project, aimed at developing a system of integral and sustainable treatment of porcine purines, converting them from waste to resource, a project with three other Galician companies.

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